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    Chiropractic Therapy for Chronic Pain



    The Greek words cheir (hands) and praxis (“practice”) are the origins of the word “chiropractic”, which is a descriptive term for this type of treatment. Chiropractic care (or chiropractic therapy) refers to a form of manual or hands on therapy that is performed by a licensed chiropractor (doctor or chiropractic). Its purpose is to improve musculoskeletal and neurological health.

    How it works

    Chiropractors can adjust or manipulate the spine and other parts of your body to correct alignment, improve motion, support healing, and help the body heal itself.

    The theory is that realigning your spine can reduce pressure on the central nervous systems. Chiropractors adjust certain parts of the body using their hands or an instrument.

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    To increase the body’s mobility, chiropractors also use mobilization. This involves slow movement and manipulation of the joints and muscles.

    Chronic pain symptom relief

    For many years, scientists have studied the effectiveness of chiropractic care in treating various types of pain.

    Low back pain. The most promising research has been on low back pain. It has been shown that spinal manipulation therapy (SMT), is as effective and as efficient as standard medical care or physiotherapy.

    Studies have shown that chiropractic therapy has a significant effect on chronic low back pain and disability, compared to other active therapies.

    It is effective in treating acute and chronic low-back pain, when combined with other interventions such as self-management advice or exercise.

    It has similar effects for short-term pain relief to other recommended therapies but an improvement in function.

    Chiropractic therapy can be used to treat low back pain and other types of pain. According to some reviews, chiropractic care can improve episodic and chronic migraines as well as cervicogenic headaches (pain on the side of your head and face).

    It may also reduce migraine pain and increase your days.

    Chiropractic care can also be used to treat neck pain. There is some evidence that chiropractic care can help. A study concluded that SMT was more effective than medications in the treatment of acute and subacute pain.

    A literature review revealed that there is no evidence to support the claim that spinal manipulation can provide short-term relief for chronic or acute neck pain.

    Patients are also satisfied with their care, according to research.

    Sciatica Other research indicates that spinal manipulation could be helpful in relieving sciatica (pain related to the sciatic nerve).

    General Health and Wellness Benefits

    Chiropractic therapy is a treatment that focuses on disorders of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Most commonly, it’s used to treat different types of pain.

    According to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), chiropractors use spinal manipulation to “restore your joint mobility by applying controlled force to joints that have become restricted or hypomobile due to tissue injury.” Chiropractors can help reduce pain and tighten muscles, which in turn allows the tissues to heal.

    No evidence has been presented to support the claim that chiropractic therapy alone improves general health. Research does not support the use of chiropractic therapy for other non-musculoskeletal conditions.

    Chiropractic adjustments can provide pain relief, especially for those suffering from depression. They may also have secondary benefits, such as improving mood and increasing physical activity. This may have a positive impact on overall health.

    Other conditions that chiropractic care may benefit

    Multiple sclerosis (MS). Some MS patients report positive results from chiropractic care. The little research that has been done suggests that chiropractic care can help patients with MS with chronic pain.

    It is believed that MS patients who have had chiropractic care would recommend it to others.

    Osteoarthritis (OA), hip pain and back pain

    Including hip pain.

    Although doctors do not recommend chiropractic treatment for ankylosing Spondylitis, more research is required. However, it may be beneficial for ankylosing, inactive spondylitis.

    In 2019, a global summit of chiropractic researchers and chiropractor organizations met to assess if published research supports chiropractic therapy for non-musculoskeletal conditions like migraine, infantile colic, hypertension, primary dimenorrhea, childhood asthma, hypertension, primary dysmenorrhea, and hypertension. These conditions were not supported by the majority of research. As of now, the strongest evidence for chiropractic care is in the treatment and management musculoskeletal conditions.

    How to Find Chiropractic Therapy

    Only licensed chiropractors, also known as doctors of chiropractic or DC, can perform chiropractic adjustments. To practice in all 50 states, and the District of Columbia as a chiropractor, they must be an accredited DC. They also need to pass special state exams or exams administered by National Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

    To become a DC you must complete at least three years of undergraduate instruction before being admitted to a program. Then, you will need to complete four years of training in order to graduate as a DC.

    The federally recognized Council on Chiropractic Education has accredited institutions that offer the DC.

    A referral from someone you trust can help you find a DC. You can also use your insurance’s search function or the American Chiropractic Association’s Find a Doctor tool to search for a doctor.

    What to Expect

    Your current condition and history will be discussed during your first visit to a DC. Then, you’ll have a physical exam. To determine the cause of your problem(s), your chiropractor may order imaging or laboratory tests. If necessary, they may refer you to another medical professional.

    The chiropractor will discuss your condition and develop a treatment plan. Finally, he or she will review the benefits and risks of the treatment.

    You may be asked to lie down or sit on a table if your chiropractor determines that you require an adjustment. You may hear popping or crackling sounds as air pockets are removed from your joints during an adjustment.

    You may feel fatigued or have pain after a good workout.

    Depending on your treatment plan you may need multiple visits. You should find a chiropractor you are comfortable with. Also, as with any other health provider such as a primary doctor or PT, it is important to establish a therapeutic relationship. This allows them to get to understand you and your needs, and possibly help you heal on a deeper level. Chiropractic care is based on a holistic philosophy and a biopsychosocial model.

    Are Chiropractic Therapy Fees Expensive? Is insurance required to cover it?

    Most insurance plans include chiropractic care.

    • Major medical plans
    • Workers’ compensation
    • Medicare Part B (Medically Necessary) covers medically necessary visits
    • Some Medicaid plans
    • Blue Cross Blue Shield plans

    Many Veteran Association facilities also offer chiropractic therapy.

    Prices can vary depending on what you choose.

    • Plan for health insurance
    • Localization
    • Provider
    • Treatment plan

    You may be eligible to receive reimbursement if your chiropractor refuses to accept your insurance. Your health savings account may allow you to pay for chiropractic care.

    Take into account

    Chiropractic care is safe and can be performed with minimal risk.

    Ankylosing Spondylitis is not a condition that can be treated with chiropractic care.

    People with certain cancers, spinal conditions (congenital or developed), severe osteoporosis and chronic coagulation defect, aortic dissection, long-term anticoagulant therapy, and increased stroke risk are not advised to use it.

    Most chiropractors will screen you for contraindications before you begin treatment.

    Pregnancy is generally safe for chiropractic adjustments. There has been no evidence linking chiropractic care to miscarriage rates. However, it is a good idea for you to consult your healthcare provider before receiving chiropractic care.

    If you feel severe pain or numbness after a session, it is advisable to call your doctor.

    According to the American Chiropractic Association, although some reports suggest that chiropractic care and high velocity adjustments may be linked with stroke or vertebral arterial dissection, these injuries are very rare.

    Although most studies of larger populations have not shown an increase in risk, it is possible to find evidence that does. However, this doesn’t account for your individual risks. It’s best you talk with your primary care physician and chiropractor before starting treatment on your neck.




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